Advanced job search with instant notifications
• Get notified about the job up to 3 minutes from the moment it posted
• Less Competition: The earlier you apply, the fewer applications the client may have received, which can decrease the competition
• Higher Hiring Rate: Many clients on Upwork are looking to hire quickly
• Increased Visibility: Clients often start reviewing applications as soon as they start coming in
JSD Advanced Analysis system is built to:
• Provide sharp results (agile system of configurations gives you the ability to find exactly what you're looking for)
• Eliminate the most time-consuming part of the job search (Job Analysis)
• Provide security (using our recommendations, you can reduce the likelihood of getting spam, scum, etc.)
• Provide features unique to JSD (client rating configuration, etc.)
• The primal idea behind JSD as a tool is to give you fast, effective lead generation, and untie your hands.
• Our research shows a majority of freelancers spend 50 - 90% of their working week hours looking for jobs manually.
• Just mark the time you spent on a job search without JSD, then use our trial and count the difference - it's yours. Use it wisely!
The main idea behind our Price policy is to make JSD an affordable and agile platform
• An honest 7 days trial period with no feature is cut
• Monthly and quarterly subscription
• Part of your subscription is transferred to your balance
• Funds credited to the balance are debited for using filters
When you buy your monthly subscription
For one part of this money, you buy access to JSD
You get the second part of this money to your balance, and they are used to charge for using the filters
Filter - a system of search and analysis configuration for a specific type of job
JSD use these filters to search for relevant jobs, analyze them and find relevancy.
JSD uses 4 step approach
1 Step - concentrate on tuning the filter system, and choosing an analysis approach
2 Step - a search performed by JSD 24/7 based on your filter preferences.
3 Step - an analysis of gathered jobs where JSD considers how big of a priority every job is
4 Step - Notification of the user
No, the process of using JSD does not require any specific personal information, access to your Upwork account, or creating a proxy!
Those are actions prohibited by Upwork's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
Reach out to our team for expert assistance and let us guide you towards the solutions you need