Mar 05, 2024

How Upwork Top Rated Plus freelancer made $2,000,000?

Every month, we record an average of 223 thousand jobs on Upwork, 83-87% of which end in a hire. Every time you don't get a job, it's someone from your pool of competitors... The Pareto Principle, or the 80 to 20 rule, logically and predictably applies within the Upwork economy identically.

Kushnir Marian

Co-Founder | CEO

What's the point to Analyze Upwork Top Rated Plus Freelancer?

As the military tactics and strategy genius Sun Tzu wrote:

"He who knows neither himself nor his enemy will lose every battle.
He who knows himself but not his enemy will win some and lose some;
He who knows both his enemy and himself will never lose a battle." cites a figure of 3.8 billion dollars, the total amount earned collectively by freelancers and agencies on Upwork in 2022.

Every month, we record an average of 223 thousand jobs on Upwork, 83-87% of which end in a hire.

Every time you don't get a job, it's someone from your pool of competitors...

The Pareto Principle, or the 80 to 20 rule, logically and predictably applies within the Upwork economy identically: 20% of freelancers or agencies consume 80% of the market share in their niche.

Given this, analyzing the profiles of the conditional 20% of successful individuals or agencies, in this case, Upwork Top Rated Plus freelancer in the context of our research method answers important questions:

All this helps to understand the competitive landscape, effective and successful strategies that could work specifically for you.

Evan Heron F. $2M+ - United States

As an example for our study, we decided to choose a rather well-known freelancer in the West and hero of Upwork Expert Talk - Evan Heron F.

He specializes in Financial Management/CFO and Presentation Design and has accumulated a solid base for analysis over 6 years of working on the platform, not to mention a significant sum.

We will analyze each of his profiles and the cumulative result.

All work

General overview

Has been on Upwork for 6 years, starting Sep 04, 2017

Number of hours worked - 1441.0

Hourly rate stats:

Number of projects:

Amount of earnings:


Evan Heron F. - Yearly progress hourly rate All work:

Here, you can see the dynamics of changes in the hourly rate, cumulatively, with important projects that led to fluctuations.

Evan Heron F. - Yearly revenue All work:

Allows us to understand the overall financial performance for each year.

Evan Heron F. - Monthly revenue All work:

Enables us to analyze the financial performance for each month in the career.

Evan Heron F. - Project costs range All work:

This study shows the budget ranges of the competitor's projects and their count.

Evan Heron F. - Project duration ranges All work:

Here we see the duration of projects with additional gradations.

This study allows us to understand the real Customer Lifetime Value of the competitor's clients.

Project involvement dynamics

Evan Heron F. - Fixed/Hourly relationship All work:

Allows us to understand the proportion between payment models preferred.

Evan Heron F. - Number of projects monthly All work:

This study enables us to gain an understanding of throughput, activity, and project composition by payment type

For the sake of reducing the article length, identical research visualizations for the areas:

🔗 Presentation Design
🔗 Financial Management/CFO

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