Profile: Financial Management/CFO

Disclaimer: Data contained in this example does not based on statistically valid sample, and made solely for the purpose of demonstrating the end product.

Has been at Upwork for 6 years, starting Sep 04, 2017

Number of hours worked - 1116.0

Hourly rate stats:

  • Current - 300.0 $/hr
  • Average - 140.52 $/hr
  • Min - 30.0 $/hr
  • Max - 225.0 $/hr

Number of projects:

  • Closed projects - 201
  • Open projects - 33
  • All projects - 234

Amount of earnings:

  • Closed projects - 1054052.6 $
  • Open projects - 249377.0 $
  • All projects - 1303429.6 $

Yearly progress hourly rate Financial Management/CFO

It allows to understand competitor hourly rate fluctuation through whole career.


Monthly revenue Financial Management/CFO

Decomposition of lifetime revenue monthly.

Yearly revenue Financial Management/CFO

Decomposition of lifetime revenue yearly.

Project costs ranges Financial Management/CFO

Here we can see financial ranges in which competitor was operating through all his career.

Project duration ranges Financial Management/CFO

Distribution of relationship length with clients. gives us ability to create assumption about competitor customers LTV.

Project involvement dynamics

Project involvement studies are designed to provide you with an understanding of your competitors' business model preferences and project bandwidth.

Fixed/Hourly relationship Financial Management/CFO

Number of projects monthly Financial Management/CFO

Number of projects yearly Financial Management/CFO